Sunday, March 21, 2010

Zimmer Wants The Riddler For BATMAN 3

Composer Hans Zimmer told MTV's SPLASH PAGE that he'd like to see Chris Nolan use The Ridller as B3's villain. "He’s a character that gives you ideas. Maybe I should talk to Chris about that." I'm still of the belief that The Riddler won't even be in B3, but you never know...

Speaking of The Riddler, I've got several emails over the last day from people claiming that the viral campaign for B3 has already started. Allegedly, "Edward Nashton" has been sending out letters ala the "Citizens For Batman" campaign for THE DARK KNIGHT. My take: It's BS. I can't see them starting all of this two years before the film's release in 2012. Plus, BOF is in the loop with 42 Entertainment (the folks behind the TDK's viral campaign) and I've heard or received nothing. If it's actually started, I'd certainly welcome it. But I just don't think that's the case.

BATMAN 3 To Be Released In 3D?

Warner Bros.' Alan Horn spoke at ShoWest this week and announced that the studio's tentpole movies, superhero films, and big special effects releases, will be released in 3D. As a result, I'm going to presume that includes the upcoming BATMAN 3. I wonder if Chris Nolan is on board? (SOURCE: SLASHFILM.COM)

Well, it’s now OFFICIAL…

BATMAN 3 is on its way and Chris Nolan IS directing!

The script is currently being written by Chris’ brother Jonathan Nolan based on a story by David Goyer and C-Nol -- just as THE DARK KNIGHT was put together.

Here’s what Chris had to say about the project to the HERO COMPLEX BLOG…

* “My brother is writing a script for me and we’ll wait to see how it turns out...he’s struggling to put it together into the epic story that you want it to be.”

* “Without getting into specifics [on the story], the key thing that makes the third film an great possibility for us is that we want to finish our story. And in viewing it as the finishing of a story rather than infinitely blowing up the balloon and expanding the story.”

* “We have a great ensemble [cast], that’s one of the attractions of doing another film, since we’ve been having a great time for years.”

* “I’m very excited about the end of the film, the conclusion, and what we’ve done with the characters. My brother has come up with some pretty exciting stuff. Unlike the comics, these thing don’t go on forever in film and viewing it as a story with an end is useful. Viewing it as an ending, that sets you very much on the right track about the appropriate conclusion and the essence of what tale we’re telling. And it hearkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories. That’s what we do.”

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

David Goyer (Probably) Writing Superman Reboot

The news that Batman Begins and The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan was being brought in by Warner Bros. to "godfather" the development of a revamped Superman was met with great enthusiasm by comic book movie fans when it was first announced. Unfortunately, the news turned out to be nothing more than a rumor, leaving many wondering what, if anything, was being done to bring Superman back to the big screen.

Now, it's being reported that Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures are moving forward with plans for a new Superman movie, and that it will have a connection, if only tangential, to Nolan after all. LatinoReview has reported that David S. Goyer, co-writer of both of the Batman movies that Nolan directed, has been hired to write the new Superman movie, titled The Man of Steel. Goyer's script is said to be more action-packed than its predecessor, Superman Returns, and will see Superman squaring off against two villains — Lex Luthor and Brainiac. Returns' director, Bryan Singer, and title actor, Brandon Routh, are not expected to return.

The LatinoReview article also claims that Goyer's screenplay is at least partially based on the comic book mini-series of the same name written and illustrated by John Byrne in the mid-'80s. Byrne revamped the Superman mythologies, which had become campy and convoluted over the years, depowering Superman considerably and altering his origin and childhood to make the story more realistic. The article goes on to state that The Man of Steel will not be an origin story, but that Krypton will be more fully developed, which is in keeping with the changes Byrne instituted in his mini-series and the Superman series that followed it.

Subsequent to the LatinoReview article, Harry Knowles of AICN posted an update on the story in which he claims to have spoken with Thomas Tull, the president & CEO of Legendary Pictures, the production company behind both the Batman and Superman movies, who apparently told Knowles that the LatinoReview article had a few holes in it.

Tull has not unilaterally hired Goyer to come in and write the new Superman. He loves Goyer, but frankly — the project isn't at the Script stage yet. Seems Nolan is still hatching some ideas. But he just wanted me to pass on that they have the highest enthusiasm for this project, but the story on Latino just isn't accurate. I'll see what more I can find out, but as of right now, there really isn't anything else to tell.
AICN is known for its consistently good insider movie news, but the fact that Nolan is mentioned in connection with the Superman reboot when Diane Nelson, President of DC Entertainment, said that his involvement was a "rumor" and nothing more, calls into question the validity of the update. And, following the AICN report, IGN posted its own update claiming "reliable sources" had confirmed that Goyer is involved with The Man of Steel, but that "Tull is downplaying" the news.

Whatever the truth may be, time is of the essence for the Superman franchise. After the heirs of Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, the original creators of Superman, sued DC Comics and Warner Bros. over the rights to the character, a judge ruled that Warner Bros. needed to begin development of another Superman movie by 2011 or risk becoming vulnerable to another lawsuit from the families. Furthermore, all rights to Superman and portions of his supporting cast, origin and powers will revert to the families in 2013 and neither DC Comics nor Warner Bros. will be able to create Superman-based works without a license from them.

Christopher Nolan to "Godfather" New Superman, Batman 3 script being written

Warner Brothers is officially in love with director Christopher Nolan. The Batman Begins and The Dark Knight writer and director is hard at work finishing his mysterious thriller Inception, but Warner Brothers wants even more of his help. Deadline Hollywood reports that Warners is asking Nolan to become a "Godfather" to its Superman reboot project and help shepherd it in the right direction — not a sequel to Superman Returns.

Warners is likely trying to get Nolan's input as to how they can make a "darker" Superman reboot, much like Nolan achieved with Batman Begins. A Superman reboot is a priority for Warners, which is feeling pressure to match Marvel Entertainment's upcoming slate of comic book movies. Not only did the studio start DC Entertainment to help it compete, but if Warners doesn't get a Superman project going by 2011, the families of Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster can sue for lost revenue. Even so, an insider at Warners claims that the studio has no idea where to go with the franchise.

We know what we don't want to do. But we don't know what we want to do. We learned a lot from the last movie, and we want to get it right this time.
Hence, enter Nolan to help salvage the franchise. Nolan likely won't direct, as he will be preparing for a third Batman movie that has finally begun. A separate Deadline Hollywood report claims that David Goyer has left his TV show Flash Forward and "is now writing the third Batman installment with Chris Nolan's brother Jonah [Nolan]."

Internet rumors have the Riddler as the primary villain who discovers Batman's identity in a story where Arkham Asylum will figure prominently. Mr. Freeze, Robin, and Barbara Gordon will appear in the movie as well, though in their civilian identities, not as their costumed counterparts. Commissioner Gordon will also likely mention Metropolis and Lex Luthor, which could be likely considering Nolan's involvement with Superman. The rumors, unconfirmed at this time, are pretty intriguing possibilities.

Matt Damon Almost Starred in The Dark Knight

Actors Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon recently spoke with MTV about their new movie opening this week, Invictus, but apparently that wasn't the only topic of conversation. MTV has been trickling out snippets of the interview, revealing that Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise was the subject on more than one occasion.

In a short video released Tuesday, Freeman said that he is sure that Nolan is already working on Batman 3. Freeman went on to say that, if he had his way, Catwoman would be one of the villains in the movie.

Now, MTV has released a new video featuring Damon discussing a missed opportunity to appear in The Dark Knight as District Attorney Harvey Dent/Two-Face, a role that ultimately went to Aaron Eckhart.

I couldn't [appear in The Dark Knight]. It was a scheduling thing. But, I never spoke to Chris Nolan. I'm a big Chris Nolan fan, I never spoke to him.

Look, Aaron is a great actor, so the movie didn't suffer for it. Every once in a while you get [an acting opportunity] and you can't do it.

In Invictus, Damon portrays Francois Pienaar, the South African Rugby team captain opposite Freeman as South African President Nelson Mandela. Acclaimed filmmaker Clint Eastwood directed Invictus from a script by Anthony Peckham.

Morgan Freeman Wants Catwoman in The Dark Knight Sequel

While out promoting Invictus this week, Morgan Freeman also fielded questions about the rumored sequel to The Dark Knight. Freeman initially told MTV that "Batman is completely out of [his] mind," but then he offered assurance that Christopher Nolan would be back to direct, and that his character, Lucius Fox, would likely return, as well.

I know that — I just know — that Chris is working on number three. He couldn't possibly not be.

What I don't know is how that story is going to play out — I mean, where it's going to be and who's going to be in it. There's a good chance he would incorporate Lucius Fox and [Michael Caine's character] Alfred.

Freeman qualified his statements by saying that he is "not waiting by the phone" for a call about Batman 3. Even so, he did have a villain in mind for the film.

I want to see Catwoman.

Dane Cook for The Riddler in Batman 3?

It's still unclear whether director Christopher Nolan will be returning for a third chapter in the Batman revamp, let alone what villain(s) will square off against the Dark Knight. Still, there have been rumors for months now that The Riddler will make a return appearance some fifteen years after Jim Carrey portrayed the character in Batman Forever.

Everyone from Eddie Murphy, to Johnny Depp to Curb Your Enthusiasm funnyman Larry David have been mentioned in connection to the roll of Edward Nigma, the villain who compulsively confesses to his crimes in riddle form. So when MTV recently sat down with actor and comedian Dane Cook (My Best Friend's Girl), they asked him if he would be interested in the part.

If they brought back The Riddler — a new Riddler the way they did with The Joker — that would be badass. I would do that.

When they were making the new one and they were doing The Joker, I always thought it [should be] kind of like The Crow — having that dark element but still comedic. It would probably have to be something in that vein, even though I think what Heath Ledger did with the Joker was the greatest comic book villain ever.

Cook also said that he would like to star in "anything sci-fi or comic book related," but that he hasn't been auditioning because he has been on tour.

Cillian Murphy "Hopes" For a Batman 3

Cillian Murphy recently told MTV that he hopes "they make a third [Batman]." The actor portrayed the villain Scarecrow in both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

[The Dark Knight is] one of the greatest blockbuster mainstream movies. If anyone can match that or top that it's [director] Chris [Nolan]. Fingers crossed.
Murphy is currently working with Nolan on his mysterious thriller, Inception. However, that doesn't mean Murphy has heard anything about Nolan's return for Batman 3.

We don't talk about those things. It's out of my control.

Kevin Smith Would Like Some Hamm with His Superman or Batman

Writer-director, and genuine comic book geek, Kevin Smith told MTV that he thinks actor Jon Hamm has serious superhero potential.

That dude could play Batman and Superman. "That's the weird thing. You look at him and he's got a f---ing Superman look, but he's got a Batman thing going on, too.

A few years ago, they were like, "Let's do that Batman/Superman movie." Do it. Hire that motherf***er to play both roles.... He could pull it off. I'd buy it.

Smith was convinced of Hamm's superhero quality by watching Hamm's work as ad executive Don Draper on Mad Men.

He's always brooding on that show. He comes off like Bruce Wayne. That voice of his — the Don Draper voice — that's f***ing Batman! If you were in an alley and that motherf***er Jon Hamm was wearing that outfit and came up to you and he was like, "Gimme a cigarette," you'd be like, "Oh my god, I'm going to give up crime ... and living!"
Sadly, for Smith at least, Christian Bale will be playing Bruce Wayne/Batman in Batman 3, should it ever get made . Smith can keep his fingers crossed for Hamm to play Superman. Warner Bros. has "no current plans" to make one, though.

Michael Caine Says No Johnny Depp in Batman 3

Michael Caine may be in hot water again. He got in trouble when he confirmed rumors with MTV that Johnny Depp would play The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman would play The Penguin in Batman 3. At the time, Caine said:

When Christopher [Nolan] said we were going to do The Dark Knight next, I didn't [know] what that meant in Batman terms. I said, "What's the story?" and he said The Joker. I said, "Oh, s**t! How are you going to top Jack [Nicholson]?" He said, "Well, I've cast Heath Ledger. And I went "Ha! I couldn't top Jack, but if anyone could, maybe Heath could." And he did.

I was with [a Warner Bros.] executive and I said, "Are we going to make another one?" They said yeah. I said, "How the hell are we going to top Heath?" And he says "I'll tell you how you top Heath — Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin." I said, "S**t, they've done it again!" [Laughs]

A year later, Caine is trying to do damage control, speaking with MTV again, and refuting those same newspaper rumors he was so quick to confirm.

Johnny Depp is great in anything, but there is no Johnny Depp in this Batman. They tell me in no uncertain terms.
Depp has claimed he'd "juggle" his schedule for the chance to appear in Batman 3, though there's little reason to worry about that now, since Caine says there's little chance that Batman 3 will see the light of day soon.

There is nobody, there's no script, there's nothing. It can't possibly be made before 2011 because [Nolan's upcoming thriller] Inception is such a big picture.
Of course, after all the trouble he made last year, Caine is currently the last man to know anything about Batman 3.

[They] won't tell me anything because I said this before. No one will tell me anything now. They say, "Don't tell Michael, he'll tell everybody."

Batman 3 to Shoot This Year?

Rumors about Batman 3 just can't be stopped. A weeks after reports claimed that David Goyer and Jonah Nolan are writing the script for the third Batman installment, reports have surfaced that the movie may start shooting by the end of this year. According to The Moving Image, the news comes from an unlikely place: the set of John Landis' upcoming Burke and Hare, where an anonymous crew member informed the site of the possibility of shooting this year.

In the earlier post about the Burke and Hare film shoot, I mentioned a source's experience with Christopher Nolan on the Batman films and Inception. I forgot to mention that he also said sets will soon be constructed, for the third Batman, with the possibility of shooting toward the end of the year.
Batman-on-Film confirmed the rumor with another rumor, claiming a source told the fan site that scouting has begun in Chicago for Batman 3.

[They] have been out and about in Chicago's Financial District.
Neither of these reports have been confirmed and should only be considered rumors at this time.

MAJOR Batman 3 Announcements Made: The Title! The Villain! And a Robin Actor Revealed!

A British rag, known more for its page 3 pics of topless babes than for hard news, is announcing some major exclusive scoops today. Among them are the chosen title for Batman 3 and the actors who will play The Riddler and Robin! How did this get by us?

I know... I know... This is total Bull@#%*! I don't know how this paper stays in business as a news source. But how could we not report this? It's just too funny. Check out the pic of Eddie.

UPDATED: 1/17/2010 - As prophesied, no sooner did this story go up, when it was immediately debunked by CinemaBlend sources. But really, did ANYONE actually believe this rubbish?

Eddie is Riddler in new Batman

FUNNYMAN EDDIE MURPHY will play The Riddler in the next Batman movie, The Sun can reveal.

The Beverly Hills Cop star, 47, has been signed up by British director CHRISTOPHER NOLAN to reprise the role played by JIM CARREY in 1995’s Batman Forever.

The surprise move follows speculation linking Pirates of the Caribbean star JOHNNY DEPP to the part.

The film, set for a 2010 release, is being developed under the working title Gotham.

Execs have also signed up rising Transformers star SHIA LABEOUF, 22, to play Robin.

CHRISTIAN BALE will return as Bruce Wayne, while MICHAEL CAINE will again play Bruce’s assistant Alfred.

Meanwhile, Brit RACHEL WEISZ is said to be up for the Catwoman role.

Insiders also revealed to The Sun the flick will end on a cliffhanger over whether Batman survives a blast at Wayne Towers.

Nolan had been tight-lipped about the future of the Batman films after being rocked by the January death of HEATH LEDGER — tipped to receive a posthumous Oscar for his role as The Joker in Batman Returns.

A film insider said: “Chris wasn’t sure if he wanted to do another movie but as soon as he decided to, he got the wheels in motion.

“Eddie’s a fantastic addition. Everyone’s excited to see what he does as the Riddler.”

Batman 3 Speculations

So what do we call the Dark Knight sequel?… The Dark Knight 2? Batman Begins 3? Batman 3? Batman 7? If you count Adam West’s movie it’s Batman 8 and Tim Burton’s Batman was a remake.
Minor spoilers ahead…

Will the Joker disappear from the next movie or be recast? When Gary Oldman was asked recently, he made an interesting point, “They recast Katie Holmes’ character. I understand that this is a different circumstance, but I think another actor could do the job. I think Heath would want another actor to do the job.”

But Gary went on… “Maybe we don’t need the Joker. Because we’ll have The Riddler.”

…Personally, I’d like to see a new take on the Penguin too. But the writers have hinted they will avoid Penguin and Catwoman in favour of some of the many other villains from Batman’s 69 year history. After all Scarecrow and Ra’s Al Ghul hadn’t been seen on the big screen until Batman Begins.

Don’t expect to see Robin either. Christian Bale is not keen on the idea at all. On the press tour he remarked, “If Robin crops up in one of the new Batman films, I’ll be chaining myself up somewhere and refusing to go to work.”

Oh and that’s right, Bale said “new Batman films”. Plural. Sounds like he’s planning on staying around for a while…

Which villains would you like to see in Batman Begins 3? The Riddler? Penguin? Catwoman? Maybe Bane? Harley Quinn? Mr. Freeze? Poison Ivy? Ventriloquist?