Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kevin Smith Would Like Some Hamm with His Superman or Batman

Writer-director, and genuine comic book geek, Kevin Smith told MTV that he thinks actor Jon Hamm has serious superhero potential.

That dude could play Batman and Superman. "That's the weird thing. You look at him and he's got a f---ing Superman look, but he's got a Batman thing going on, too.

A few years ago, they were like, "Let's do that Batman/Superman movie." Do it. Hire that motherf***er to play both roles.... He could pull it off. I'd buy it.

Smith was convinced of Hamm's superhero quality by watching Hamm's work as ad executive Don Draper on Mad Men.

He's always brooding on that show. He comes off like Bruce Wayne. That voice of his — the Don Draper voice — that's f***ing Batman! If you were in an alley and that motherf***er Jon Hamm was wearing that outfit and came up to you and he was like, "Gimme a cigarette," you'd be like, "Oh my god, I'm going to give up crime ... and living!"
Sadly, for Smith at least, Christian Bale will be playing Bruce Wayne/Batman in Batman 3, should it ever get made . Smith can keep his fingers crossed for Hamm to play Superman. Warner Bros. has "no current plans" to make one, though.

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