Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Batman 3 to Shoot This Year?

Rumors about Batman 3 just can't be stopped. A weeks after reports claimed that David Goyer and Jonah Nolan are writing the script for the third Batman installment, reports have surfaced that the movie may start shooting by the end of this year. According to The Moving Image, the news comes from an unlikely place: the set of John Landis' upcoming Burke and Hare, where an anonymous crew member informed the site of the possibility of shooting this year.

In the earlier post about the Burke and Hare film shoot, I mentioned a source's experience with Christopher Nolan on the Batman films and Inception. I forgot to mention that he also said sets will soon be constructed, for the third Batman, with the possibility of shooting toward the end of the year.
Batman-on-Film confirmed the rumor with another rumor, claiming a source told the fan site that scouting has begun in Chicago for Batman 3.

[They] have been out and about in Chicago's Financial District.
Neither of these reports have been confirmed and should only be considered rumors at this time.

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