Sunday, March 21, 2010

Zimmer Wants The Riddler For BATMAN 3

Composer Hans Zimmer told MTV's SPLASH PAGE that he'd like to see Chris Nolan use The Ridller as B3's villain. "He’s a character that gives you ideas. Maybe I should talk to Chris about that." I'm still of the belief that The Riddler won't even be in B3, but you never know...

Speaking of The Riddler, I've got several emails over the last day from people claiming that the viral campaign for B3 has already started. Allegedly, "Edward Nashton" has been sending out letters ala the "Citizens For Batman" campaign for THE DARK KNIGHT. My take: It's BS. I can't see them starting all of this two years before the film's release in 2012. Plus, BOF is in the loop with 42 Entertainment (the folks behind the TDK's viral campaign) and I've heard or received nothing. If it's actually started, I'd certainly welcome it. But I just don't think that's the case.

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