Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dane Cook for The Riddler in Batman 3?

It's still unclear whether director Christopher Nolan will be returning for a third chapter in the Batman revamp, let alone what villain(s) will square off against the Dark Knight. Still, there have been rumors for months now that The Riddler will make a return appearance some fifteen years after Jim Carrey portrayed the character in Batman Forever.

Everyone from Eddie Murphy, to Johnny Depp to Curb Your Enthusiasm funnyman Larry David have been mentioned in connection to the roll of Edward Nigma, the villain who compulsively confesses to his crimes in riddle form. So when MTV recently sat down with actor and comedian Dane Cook (My Best Friend's Girl), they asked him if he would be interested in the part.

If they brought back The Riddler — a new Riddler the way they did with The Joker — that would be badass. I would do that.

When they were making the new one and they were doing The Joker, I always thought it [should be] kind of like The Crow — having that dark element but still comedic. It would probably have to be something in that vein, even though I think what Heath Ledger did with the Joker was the greatest comic book villain ever.

Cook also said that he would like to star in "anything sci-fi or comic book related," but that he hasn't been auditioning because he has been on tour.

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